“We are terrified to be noticed but dying to be seen.” – Mollie Kaye

I believe that inside the heart of every woman there is a goddess, waiting and yearning to reveal herself and all of her desires and passions, ready to give and receive love, ready to create and express herself freely, and ready to be cherished for the divine gifts that she offers. 

Women long to be seen, to be heard, to be celebrated and to love and be loved without judgement or getting advice they didn’t ask for. We want to connect to life itself because Women are Life!  But so often women forget how truly &  magnificently amazing they are. 

Circle is a safe place to come together and connect to other women and more importantly to re-connect to yourself.  It’s a place and a time to be reminded of how amazing YOU are, as you are in this very minute.  

 It’s a space to be seen, heard, and accepted as you are without judgement or receiving advice that you didn’t ask for.  It’s a space to laugh and cry and be present.

My Circles are all about Self Love and rediscovering how amazing you are – right now.  

We ground, we connect, we experience, and we move.

Circle is Life, Circle is Medicine and Magic, Circle is Everything! 

And Circle is for everyone, not just women, Circles are powerful for teens, for groups of people, and for Celebration.

Imagine coming together with your cherished family and friends to connect and celebrate a wedding, a birthday, a birth, and even a transition like a change of career, a divorce, and a death.  

I am happy to come to you and create a sacred circle gathering for any event! 

Circle Celebrations are both meaningful and memorable. 

I believe …

That when we learn to love and accept ourselves we can truly begin to love and accept people around us. 

That when we heal ourselves we can heal the world.

That when we speak our truth and take ownership of it, in Circle, we begin to live more confidently and authentically. 

That Self Love and Acceptance is the magic spell to set us all free.

That we are examples for women and young girls everywhere and when we empower ourselves, we empower them and all of our future generations. 

That one person can make a difference.

I believe that sitting in Circle is life changing because it changed mine and I’ve watched it change others.  I believe it may change yours too. 

Hear what women are saying … 

Circle has provided friendships, and it has also inspired me in many ways.  From daring to dream to do more than work, eat and sleep to a better understanding of who I am and who I can and want to be. 

— Jennifer


I have gained friendships as well as I have connected to my inner self and have been inspired to follow my intuition and never stop dreaming and going for the life that I desire. 

— Christine 


Circle allows me to see myself through others.  What I am.  What I’m not.  What I love about myself. What I don’t love about myself.  Clarity in what I choose to accept or choose to change.  Also, it shows me where I’ve been and where I want to go. 

— Kim


Stephanie is able to lead the group into a deep space for healing and growth.  I feel seen and accepted in the circle, and simultaneously challenged to shed unhelpful patterns and move forward in areas of my life where I want to bloom.  Stephanie leads from a place of exuberance and I can tell that she has done the work to remain open hearted while holding space for others.

— Laura


Stephanie’s Women’s Circle is truly a sanctuary for women seeking genuine connection and personal growth.  This incredible Circle fosters a deep sense of sisterhood, where laughter, thought-provoking conversations, and sometimes even shared tears, bring us closer together.  It’s a space where you can form new friendships, deepen your relationship with yourself, and connect with other women on a meaningful level.  In today’s world, where true connection is often lacking, this circle is exactly what we need.  I’m grateful for the experience and highly recommend it to any woman looking to uplift and be uplifted. 

— Micky


Circle is truly Everything to me! It allows me to share all of myself and everything I love and it is SO powerful.

It’s empowering to be seen and heard and appreciated without judgement and to be celebrated and speak confidently and to be so connected and to dive deep and be vulnerable and talk about all the things.

A woman who experiences this is powerful.  She begins to create and hold boundaries.  She’s able to share her truth in a kind and respectful way. She begins to love herself and sets a beautiful example for the world.  She also forms deep friendships with other women.  

Throughout my life I didn’t have close girl friends and now the women in my Circle are my strength and my best, closest, dearest and most cherished friends. We have each other always, whether in Circle or out in the world.  We are Sisters. 

Circle changed my life and I am honored to hold space and witness it change the lives of my Sisters. — Circle is Magick! 

— Stephanie