“I’ve been so very tired, especially this week, I’m on “my moon.” I do wish that when I was a little girl that someone explained my period to me = why’s it called a period? It’s not an ending – it’s a cycle. It would have beautiful to have a ceremony and ritual. I wonder if people would be interested in that? Ceremonies for Womanhood, Ceremonies for Celebrating the Moon.”
–Journal entry, October 29th, 2020
Ceremony for Girls began as a whisper in my ear and has become a mission in my heart. What would my life look like had I learned that my cycle moved with the moon and was inspired by her energy? How would my life have changed if I had started tracking and harnessing my womanly power to work toward my goals and dreams when I was a young girl?
How would your life have changed?
Ceremony for Girls is about teaching and empowering our young girls while at the same time taking back our own power by embracing the child within who was neglected. It’s also pretty great to get the men in our lives on board too so they can support us along our journey.
Learning about the wisdom of our bodies through our cycle is powerful! It allows us to see all of the gifts being offered to us each month and how we can use them to our advantage to be the most magnificent version of ourselves.
My First Moon Ceremony for Girls is completely downloadable and broken down into three steps. Step one is about preparation, Step two is the actual ceremony, and Step three contains ideas to continue on your path. The ceremony itself is an audio, you simply press play and viola! I’m right there with you guiding you just as I would if we were physically together.
Ceremony for Girls: A Celebration of Womanhood … Cross the threshold and step into your power.
Being a woman can be challenging, knowing how to work with your cycle can make it so much easier!
And for all the Single Dads out there… This is a beautiful way for you to connect to your daughters and support them. It’s also a sort of road map to guide you as well.
Click here to purchase: Ceremony for Girls – First Moon