“Even after all this time, The Sun never says to The Earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights up the whole sky.”
–Fourteenth-century Sufi poet Hafiz
BodyMind Coaching is also AMAZING for couples! And just like your wedding ceremony, it is completely created for you.
I like to think of BodyMind Coaching as a love story. It is journey to the truth of who you are as individuals and how you can connect on a much deeper level as a couple. Sure, the coaching will transform both of your lives if only one of you does the work … however, you are moving forward as a team … marriage is team work.
And the unfortunate truth is that not all marriages last, in fact, some of the couples I have married are now divorced … and even re-married. Hardships come at any time and BodyMind Coaching will give you the tools to weather the storm stronger than ever – it’s up to you to use them – but a commitment to this program at any time of your marriage … whether it be before or during … is a commitment to love. And that is always something worth committing to!
Wedding couples who choose me to officiate for them also receive a 20% savings on BodyMind Coaching prior to the ceremony.
To learn more and set up your discovery call click here.